Unique Baby Names

French Baby Names

Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning
Stefania French Female Crowned in victory
Stephan French Male Crown; wreath. Variant of...
Stephanie French Female Crowned in victory
Sumarville French Male From the summer estate
Sumner French Male A summoner
Susanne French Female Lily. Variant of Hebrew S...
Suzanne French Female Lily Variant of Susannah....
Suzette French Female Lily. Variant of Hebrew S...
Syd French Male Variant of Sidney from St...
Sydnee French Female From St. Denis.
Sydney French Female Follower of Saint Denys
Sydney French Male From St. Denys
Taillefer French Male Works in iron
Talbot French Male Bloodhound
Talehot French Male Bloodhound
Tallis French Female Woodland.
Talon French Male Sharp
Tavin French Male A nickname for Gustav roy...
Taylor French Male A tailor
Tearlach French Male Manly
Telfer French Male Works in iron
Telfor French Male Works in iron
Telford French Male Works in iron
Telfour French Male Works in iron
Tempeste French Female Stormy
Theon French Male Untamed.
Therese French Female Variant of Theresa which ...
Theron French Male Untamed.
Therron French Male Untamed.
Thibaud French Male Rule of the peop]e
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