Unique Baby Names

French Baby Names

Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning
Brunella French Female Brown haired
Brunelle French Male Dark haired
Bryant French Male He ascends.
Brys French Male From Brys
Buiron French Male From the cottage
Burcet French Male From the little stronghol...
Burdett French Male Surname used as a given n...
Burdette French Male Surname used as a given n...
Burel French Male Reddish brown haired
Burkett French Male From the little stronghol...
Burnell French Male Reddish brown haired
Burrell French Male Reddish
Byron French Male From the cottage
Cadence French Female Rhythmic
Cadencia French Female Rhythmic
Caine French Male Place name unrelated to t...
Calandre French Female Lark
Calantha French Female Beautiful flower
Calanthe French Female Beautiful flower
Camila French Female Free-born; noble. Variant...
Camile French Female Free-born; noble. Variant...
Camilla French Female Free-born; noble. Variant...
Camillei French Female Free-born; noble. Variant...
Cammi French Female Free-born; noble. Variant...
Campbell French Male From the beautiful field
Candide French Female Bright; glowing white. Al...
Capucina French Female Cape
Capucine French Female Cape
Carel French Male Strong
Caress French Female Tender touch.
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