Unique Baby Names

German Baby Names

Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning
Ediline German Female Gracious
Edingu German Male Famous ruler
Edlin German Male Abbreviation of names beg...
Edsel German Male Noble; bright.
Eduard German Male German form of Edward
Edward German Male Strong as a boar
Edwin German Male Happy friend
Edwyn German Male Happy friend
Eginhard German Male Strong with a sword
Eginhardt German Male Strong with a sword
Egon German Male Strong with a sword
Ehren German Male Honorable
Einhard German Male Strong with a sword
Einhardt German Male Strong with a sword
Ekerd German Male Sacred
Ekhard German Male Sacred
Elbert German Male Bright; famous.
Elfrida German Female Peaceful ruler. Variant o...
Elica German Female Noble
Elke German Female Noble. Variant of Alice.
Ellery German Male Lives by the alder tree
Elma German Female God's protection.
Eloy German Male Famous fighter
Elsa German Female Abbreviation of Elisabeth...
Else German Female Noble
Elsha German Female Noble
Elsie German Female Noble
Elsje German Female Noble
Ely German Male Famous fighter
Elyse German Female Noble
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