Unique Baby Names

German Baby Names

Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning
Kolt German Male Coal town.
Kolten German Male Coal town.
Koltin German Male Coal town.
Kolton German Male Coal town.
Konni German Male Honest advisor
Konrad German Male Bold adviser.
Kord German Male Honest advisor
Kort German Male Form of Cort.
Kuhlbert German Male Calm or bright
Kulbart German Male Calm or bright
Kulbert German Male Calm or bright
Kuno German Male Honest advisor
Kunz German Male Honest advisor
Kuonrada German Female Wise
Kurt German Male Honest advisor
Kurtis German Male Courtier.
Lamar German Male Famous land
Lamarr German Male Famous land
Lambart German Male Light of land
Lambert German Male Light of land
Lambrecht German Male Light of land
Lambret German Male Light of land
Lambrett German Male Light of land
Landmari German Male Famous land
Landra German Female Counselor. Abbreviation o...
Larenzo German Male Form of Lawrence.
Laurenz German Male From the place of the lau...
Lenard German Male Lion-bold.
Lennard German Male Lion-bold.
Leoda German Female Of the people
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