Unique Baby Names

German Baby Names

Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning
Alarik German Male Noble leader
Albert German Male Intelligent or noble
Alberta German Female Noble; bright. Feminine ...
Albertina German Female Noble; bright. Feminine ...
Albertine German Female Noble; bright. Feminine ...
Albertyne German Female Intelligent
Albrecht German Male Intelligent or noble
Ald German Male Old or wise
Alda German Female Old
Aldo German Male Old or wise
Aldona German Female Archaic
Aldrik German Male Noble friend
Aleda German Female Archaic
Alfonsine German Female Noble
Alfonso German Male Ready
Alfreda German Female Feminine of Alfred.
Alger German Male Noble spearman
Alhmanic German Male Divine
Alhsom German Male Sacred fame
Alhwin German Male Noble friend
Alice German Female Sweet
Alicia German Female Sweet
Alida German Female Archaic
Alison German Female Sweet
Alisz German Female Sweet
Aliz German Female Sweet
Allaryce German Female Rules all. Feminine of A...
Alois German Male Famous warrior
Aloisia German Female Famous fighting
Alonsa German Female Eager
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