Unique Baby Names

German Baby Names

Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning
Nikolaus German Male Victorious; conquerer of ...
Nixie German Female Little water sprite
Norberaht German Female Bright heroine
Norbert German Male Shining from the North.
Norberta German Female Bright heroine
Norberte German Female Bright heroine
Norberto German Male Shining from the North.
Nordica German Female From the north
Nordika German Female From the north
Norman German Male Man of the north. Surname...
Normand German Male Man of the north. Surname...
Oda German Female Elfin spear
Odbart German Male Wealthy
Odelina German Female Elfin spear
Odette German Female Elfin spear
Odhert German Male Wealthy
Odiana German Female Elfin spear
Odiane German Female Elfin spear
Odila German Female Elfin spear
Odile German Female Elfin spear
Olinda German Female Defender of the land
Orbart German Male Wealthy
Orbert German Male Wealthy
Ordalf German Female Elfin spear
Ordella German Female Elfin spear
Orlan German Male Renowned in the land. For...
Orland German Male Renowned in the land. For...
Orlando German Male Renowned in the land. For...
Orlin German Male Renowned in the land. For...
Orlondo German Male Renowned in the land. For...
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