Unique Baby Names

German Baby Names

Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning
Oswald German Male Power of God
Othman German Male Wealthy
Othmann German Male Wealthy
Otho German Male Wealthy
Othomann German Male Wealthy
Otilie German Female Fortunate heroine
Otis German Male Wealthy.
Otka German Female Fortunate heroine
Otthild German Female Fortunate heroine
Otthilda German Female Fortunate heroine
Otthilde German Female Fortunate heroine
Ottila German Female Fortunate heroine
Ottilia German Female Fortunate heroine
Otto German Male Born eighth or wealthy
Ottokar German Male Happy fighter
Otylia German Female Fortunate heroine
Peer German Male A rock. Form of Peter.
Penn German Male Commander
Penrod German Male Famous commander
Pepin German Male Petitioner
Peppi German Male Petitioner
Per German Male A rock. Form of Peter.
Perahta German Female Glorious
Petronilla German Female Rock
Petronille German Female Rock
Philipinna German Female Loves horses
Philippine German Female Loves horses
Rachel German Female Lamb
Raimond German Male Guards wisely.
Raimundo German Male Guards wisely.
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