Unique Baby Names

German Baby Names

Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning
Wilfred German Male Resolute or peaceful
Wilfredo German Male Desires peace.
Wilfrid German Male Resolute or peaceful
Wilhelm German Male German form of William
Wilhelmina German Female Resolute protector. Femin...
Wilhelmine German Female Resolute protector
Willamar German Male Resolute or famous
Willaperht German Male Resolute or brilliant
Willard German Male Bold; resolute.
William German Male Resolute protector; will....
Williamon German Male German form of William
Williams German Male Resolute protector; will....
Willifrid German Male Resolute or peaceful
Willimod German Male Resolute spirit
Willis German Male Resolute protector; will....
Willmar German Male Resolute or famous
Willmarr German Male Resolute or famous
Wilma German Female Resolute protector. Femin...
Wilmar German Male Resolute or famous
Wilmer German Male Resolute or famous
Wilmod German Male Resolute spirit
Wilmot German Male Resolute spirit
Wilpert German Male Resolute or brilliant
Windell German Male Traveler; wanderer.
Winifred German Female Peaceful friend
Winifreda German Female Peaceful friend
Winifrid German Female Peaceful friend
Winifride German Female Peaceful friend
Winola German Female Gracious friend
Wolfgang German Male Advancing wolf
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