Unique Baby Names

Irish Baby Names

Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning
Colmcille Irish Male Dove of the church
Columbo Irish Male Dove
Coman Irish Male Bent
Comhghan Irish Male Twin
Comyn Irish Male Shrewd
Comyna Irish Female Shrewd
Conaire Irish Male Wise or red
Conal Irish Male High; mighty.
Conall Irish Male High; mighty.
Conan Irish Male Hound.
Conary Irish Male An ancient Irish name who...
Concepta Irish Female Refers to the Immaculate ...
Conchobara Irish Female Feminine form of Connor s...
Conchobarra Irish Female Feminine form of Connor s...
Conchobarre Irish Female Feminine form of Connor s...
Conchobhar Irish Male Strong willed or wise
Congalie Irish Female Constant
Conlan Irish Male Hero
Conleth Irish Male Ardent or wise
Conley Irish Male Ardent or wise
Conn Irish Male High; mighty.
Connacht Irish Male Brave or wise
Connal Irish Female Constant
Connal Irish Male High; mighty.
Connell Irish Male Surname. High; mighty.
Conner Irish Male Hound-lover.
Connie Irish Male Strong willed or wise
Connlaio Irish Male Ardent or wise
Connolly Irish Male Brave or wise
Connor Irish Male Strong willed or wise Hou...
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