Unique Baby Names

Irish Baby Names

Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning
Crogher Irish Male Loves hounds
Crohoore Irish Male Loves hounds
Cronan Irish Male Little dark one
Crowley Irish Male Hunch backed
Cruadhlaoich Irish Male Hunch backed
Cuanaic Irish Male Handsome
Cuinn Irish Male Intelligent
Cullan Irish Male Good-looking lad.
Cullen Irish Male Good-looking lad. Surname...
Cullin Irish Male Good-looking lad.
Cullo Irish Male Hound of Ulster
Cumania Irish Female Name of a saint
Cumhea Irish Male Hound of the plains
Curran Irish Male Surname.
CuUladh Irish Male Hound of Ulster
Cuyler Irish Male Chapel
D'arcy Irish Female Dark.
Daeg Irish Male Black-haired.
Daegan Irish Male Black-haired.
Dagen Irish Male Black-haired.
Dahy Irish Male Quick and agile
Daibheid Irish Male Dearly loved
Daimhin Irish Male Bard
Daire Irish Male Wealthy
Daithi Irish Male Beloved or quick and agil...
Dal Irish Male Variant of Dallin blind.
Dalan Irish Male Variant of Dallin blind.
Dallan Irish Male Blind
Dallen Irish Male Variant of Dallin blind.
Dallin Irish Male Blind. A saint's name.
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