Unique Baby Names

Irish Baby Names

Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning
Tawnee Irish Female A green field; the warm s...
Tawney Irish Female A green field; the warm s...
Tawni Irish Female A green field; the warm s...
Tawnia Irish Female A green field; the warm s...
Tawnie Irish Female A green field; the warm s...
Tawny Irish Female A green field; the warm s...
Tawnya Irish Female A green field; the warm s...
Tawnya Irish Male A green field; the warm s...
Teagan Irish Female Good-looking.
Teaghue Irish Male Poet
Teague Irish Male Poet; Handsome.
Teamhair Irish Female Where the kings met
Tegan Irish Female Good-looking.
Teige Irish Female Good-looking.
Terence Irish Male Old form of the Roman cla...
Teris Irish Male Son of Terrence
Terrence Irish Male Tender
Terriss Irish Male Son of Terrence
Tevin Irish Male Variant of the word teeve...
Tevis Irish Male Variant of the word teeve...
Thurl Irish Male Strong fort.
Thurle Irish Male Strong fort.
Tiarchnach Irish Male Regal
Tibbot Irish Male Irish form of Theobald
Tier Irish Male Regal
Tiernan Irish Male Regal
Tierney Irish Male Regal
Tighe Irish Male Handsome. Variant of Teag...
Tighearnach Irish Male Regal
Tipper Irish Male Nickname and variant of t...
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