Baby Name |
Origin |
Gender |
Meaning |
Leslie |
Scottish |
Male |
From Leslie |
Lezlie |
Scottish |
Female |
Name of a prominent Scott... |
Lindsay |
Scottish |
Female |
A lake; a place of linden... |
Lindsay |
Scottish |
Male |
From the island of the li... |
Linsey |
Scottish |
Female |
A lake; a place of linden... |
Lioslaith |
Scottish |
Female |
Dwells at the gray fortre... |
Livingstone |
Scottish |
Male |
From Livingston |
Logan |
Scottish |
Male |
Finnian's servant |
Logen |
Scottish |
Male |
Low meadow. |
Lorna |
Scottish |
Female |
Feminine of Lorne from Lo... |
Lorne |
Scottish |
Male |
Form of Lawrence. |
Lornell |
Scottish |
Male |
Form of Lawrence. |
Lundie |
Scottish |
Male |
From the island grove |
Lundy |
Scottish |
Male |
From the island grove |
Luthais |
Scottish |
Male |
Famous warrior |
Lyall |
Scottish |
Male |
Surname meaning loyal. |
Lydell |
Scottish |
Male |
A surname often used as a... |
Lyel |
Scottish |
Male |
Surname meaning loyal. |
Lyndsey |
Scottish |
Female |
A lake; a place of linden... |
Mac |
Scottish |
Male |
Son of |
MacAdhamh |
Scottish |
Male |
Son of Adam |
MacAlister |
Scottish |
Male |
Son of Alasdair |
MacAlpin |
Scottish |
Male |
Son of Alpine |
MacAlpine |
Scottish |
Male |
Son of Alpine |
MacAndrew |
Scottish |
Male |
Son of Andrew |
MacArthur |
Scottish |
Male |
Son of Arthur |
MacAulay |
Scottish |
Male |
Son of Olaf |
MacAuslan |
Scottish |
Male |
Son of Absalon |
MacBain |
Scottish |
Male |
Son of Beathan |
MacBean |
Scottish |
Male |
Son of Beathan |